The Fish Ecology Lab at IMEDEA

Group picture in December 2018

The Fish Ecology Lab belongs to IMEDEA, a joint research center of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). We conduct research on all aspects of fish and fisheries ecology. We are particularly committed to the development of new tools to infer population dynamics, and on the multi-scale connections between environmental changes, fisheries and impacts on society. We tackle all life-history phases and levels of association, from individuals to assemblages, and all time-scales, thanks to our multidisciplinary approach. We have expertise in mechanistic and statistical modeling and have numerous projects on fisheries oceanography. We have a long trajectory in schlerochronology, having our own microchemistry facilities. We are leaders in the analysis or recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean and in the interactions of fish movement (telemetry) and human behaviour, and coordinate not only international and national but locally-focused projects in order to transfer knowledge to the community. We work in close collaboration with the LIMIA, the Regional Government Aquaculture Research Centre that has recently become an associated unit of   IMEDEA . 

Aim of the site

This site is only aiming at showing the general goals/facilities of the Fish Ecology Group, and an updated list of the group members, publications and projects. It also displays relevant news on the research activity of the Group. Links to individual research items (publications, projects) can be acessed through clicking on each individual group member (see "Our Team" and "my work") activities, maintained at IMEDEA web site.


New Project! Unsupervised sizing of fish at landing

06/06/2018 16:17
FOTOPEIX 1.0 is an ongoing project funded by PROGRAMA PLEAMAR-FUNDACIÓN BIODIVERSIDAD that aims to...

Save the date for 2019 Larval Fish Conference!

30/04/2018 17:45
Dear all, next June, at the 2018 LFC in Canada, we'll be asking for potential session...

New Paper in Marine Pollution Bulletin

22/01/2018 15:18
Dr. Pablo Arechavala-Lopez, member of the Fish Ecology Lab at IMEDEA just publiseh a NEW and VERY...

TV show on CERES project and dolphinfish (in Catalan)

18/10/2017 09:51
Ignacio Catalán explains the CERES project and how climate change may affect dolphinfish in the...

Science Uncovered 2017

28/09/2017 12:26
This Friday, at the Natural History Museum of London @NHM_London, our partner Andrea Campos-Candela...

PhD defense!

27/09/2017 11:00
Carlos Díaz Gil became a new PhD yesterday after succesfully defended his thesis entitled:...
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