Article archive
New Project! Unsupervised sizing of fish at landing
06/06/2018 16:17
FOTOPEIX 1.0 is an ongoing project funded by PROGRAMA PLEAMAR-FUNDACIÓN BIODIVERSIDAD that aims to develop technological tools to automatically determine the average size of fish in images of fish boxes when they are landed by fishers. At the moment it processes images from several fishing ports...
Save the date for 2019 Larval Fish Conference!
30/04/2018 17:45
Dear all, next June, at the 2018 LFC in Canada, we'll be asking for potential session topics/organizers for the 2019 LFC (Palma). If you're interested, start thinking on it!!!!
New Paper in Marine Pollution Bulletin
22/01/2018 15:18
Dr. Pablo Arechavala-Lopez, member of the Fish Ecology Lab at IMEDEA just publiseh a NEW and VERY relevant paper about the adaptation of Octopus vulgaris to different coastal environments. For more information :
Sillero-Rios, J.; Sureda, A.; Capó, X.; Oliver-Codorniú, M.; Arechavala-Lopez, P....
2019: Early Life History Section of the AFS annual conference in Mallorca!
27/12/2017 23:16
Get ready for the 2019 edition of the ELH in Mallorca, co-organized by IMEDEA and IEO...more info along 2018
TV show on CERES project and dolphinfish (in Catalan)
18/10/2017 09:51
Ignacio Catalán explains the CERES project and how climate change may affect dolphinfish in the Mediterranean
Science Uncovered 2017
28/09/2017 12:26
This Friday, at the Natural History Museum of London @NHM_London, our partner Andrea Campos-Candela will present a monologue titled "Shyness under the sea". The entrance will be free and all the people who want to attend the event are invited. #EuropeanResearchersNight; #HallofFameLab; #SU2017.
PhD defense!
27/09/2017 11:00
Carlos Díaz Gil became a new PhD yesterday after succesfully defended his thesis entitled: Settlement and Recruitment Processes in Fish Species of Interes for Recreational Fisheries; at the Univerity of the Balearic Islands within the Fishecology Group from IMEDEA.
Here a graphic and written...
Congratulations Mario!
07/07/2017 15:46
Mario Minguito has just successfully presented his master thesis dissertation with an outstanding score (9.9).
here you are a summary of his work at IMEDEA
Congratulations Andrea!
12/06/2017 13:18
FILAMO project ( is funding Andrea Campos-Candela to carry out a stage at the University of Bergen. FILAMO supports PhD student exchange within the field of aquatic and marine science to foster cross-methodological research and learning.
Andrea Campos-Candela will meet Dr....
Congratulations Clara!
12/06/2017 10:31
Clara Obregon has just successfully applied to a PhD post on the study of “Biological, social and economic values of fishing in Western Australia” at Murdoch University (Australia).
She collaborated with the Fish Ecology Group in a research project on the small-scale fishery at the Balearic Islands...