Article archive

Between population connectivity in Merluccius merluccius: an elusive topic

22/12/2014 20:06
Recently published parper at Journal of Marine Systems 10/2014; 138:211-219. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.04.009 LINK HERE

Fish restocking: growth of hatchery-reared juvenile meagre Argyrosomus regius

22/12/2014 20:03
Recently published paper at Aquaculture 10/2014; 434:78–87. DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2014.07.032 LINK HERE

Recreational-angling intensity correlates with alteration of vulnerability to fishing in a carnivorous coastal fish species

22/12/2014 19:54
Recently published paper at Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (in press) link

Life-history and activity shape catchability in a sedentary fish

22/12/2014 19:34
Recently publishe paper at Marine Ecology Progress Series. 11/2014; 515:239-250. DOI: 10.3354/meps11018 link   ABSTRACT Catchability, a key parameter in stock assessment, is often considered constant in time and space. However, when fishing with passive gears like traps or gillnets, fish...

New PhD on squid recreational fishing

12/12/2014 11:41
Miguel Cabanellas Reboredo Socio-ecological approach of the recreational squid fishery   2014 The social relevance of recreational fisheries and their impact on the exploited resources and on the ecosystems have been widely recognized. However, the impact of recreations fishing is still...

New Master Thesis on larval growth and fluctuating asymmetry

19/11/2014 10:16
TFM Elena García Suárez.pdf (5473979)  Evaluación de la calidad biológica en los primeros estadíos de la vida del pez: comparación entre la asimetría fluctuante y la tasa de crecimiento Elena Garcia Suarez Resulta de gran importancia conocer los factores que afectan a la mortalidad larvaria,...

New publication on otolith microchesmistry of anchovy

19/11/2014 10:12
Daily otolith growth and ontogenetic geochemical signatures of age-0 anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW...

5th International Otolith Symposium Pictures!

01/11/2014 13:25
The 5th International Otolith Symposium Panoramic pictures!  DSC_0157_stitch.jpg DSC_0157_stitch.jpg DSC_0214_stitch.jpg DSC_0249_stitch.jpg For more pictures go to:


20/10/2014 08:00
 IOS2014     (WEB)  

New Master Thesis!

17/10/2014 15:16
TFM Charo Rosselló.pdf (1139789) Quantifying the short-term impact of recreational fishing in the sandy multi-specific fish community of the Mediterranean: a before-after-control-impact (BACI) design using fishery-independent monitoring ROSARIO ROSSELLÓ  Commercial fisheries effects are...