Article archive

New Ph D Thesis! Geospatial modeling in marine recreational fisheries science

17/10/2014 15:10
DAVID MARCH. This thesis proposes different geospatial approaches for assessing the spatial dimension of the coastal recreational fisheries using quantitative methods and computational tools. Spatial information on benthic habitats, fish mobility and fishing quality were combined for estimating...

New BSc Thesis!

10/06/2014 10:31
ANTHONY PUIGROS Distance to the marine protected area boundary predicts the naïve behaviour to the recreational fishing gears in a Mediterranean exploited fish species   Marine Protected Areas (MPA's) play a key role enhancing and maintaining natural wild populations subjected to human...

New Ph D Thesis ! Effects of recreational fishing

26/05/2014 15:28
JOSEP ALOS CRESPI Selection drivers of life-history traits in marine coastal fishes Humans can induce contemporary evolution through harvesting wild animals. This thesis provides evidence of this process for recreational fishing at surprisingly small geographical scales. Marine fish populations are...

New Ph D Thesis ! Recovery of meagre

26/05/2014 13:46
  MARIA DEL MAR GIOL OVIEDO Recovery of meagre (Argyrosomus regius) population in the Balearic coastal ecosystem (Western Mediterranean) This PhD project was designed to cover all the relevant issues of a restocking program for the meagre Argyrosomus...

New Master Thesis

05/05/2014 16:53
Tesis de Master 2013 B Campelo.pdf (992432) Efectos de la pesca en las poblaciones costeras de peces: comparación del metabolismo basal y la forma corporal entre poblaciones de Serranus scriba de zonas explotadas y áreas marinas protegidas BÁRBARA CAMPELO FERREIRA Contacto: bcampeloferreira at...

New Master Thesis

23/01/2014 09:32
Calvo.pdf (2,3 MB) Identification of preferential spawning areas of the European squid , Loligo vulgaris, Lamarck (1798). Matías Ezequiel Calvo-Manazza. Contacto: denecochea54 at MSc student at Marine Ecology (UIB) 2013    

New publication!

21/09/2013 20:01
Modeling fish egg production and spatial distribution from acoustic data: a step forward into the analysis of recruitment Ospina-Álvarez, A.;Bernal, M.; Catalán, I.A.; Roos, D.;Bigot, J-L.; PloS one, Vol. 8, Pg. e73687 (2013)

Review on climate-ecophysiology of small pelagic fish

20/06/2013 15:36
Recent Review: "Life cycle ecophysiology of small pelagic fish and climate-driven changes in populations". A collaborative work with M. Peck, P. Reglero and M. Takahashi in Progress in Oceanography

Larval Fish Conference 2013

13/06/2013 14:13
We presented four contributions to the LFC of the American Fisheries society. Find more info at their webpage

Master Thesis Pedro Trias

22/12/2012 19:01
Master thesis Trías.pdf (936208) Fishing pressure determines behavioral syndrome in marine coastal fishes Pedro Trias. Master Thesis at UIB (Ecologia Marina) 2012